Saturday, March 8, 2025

Post - Production Post #2

 Post - Production Post #2

As the editing process approaches finalization, one of the final steps to achieving the final product is curating the credit sequence portion and inserting the audio elements. These final steps are what make the opening whole. 

Inserting the Audio Elements
The two primary sources of audio within my opening- the suspenseful, thriller music and the voice over of the conman- are what shape the entirety of the film opening. The music is what shapes the genre of thriller- without the opening is not genre characterized- due to my technique of utilizing juxtaposition to develop the setting and tone. The voice over is also a crucial element due to the added context and eerie tone as the conman's phrases serve as subtle hints at his deceptive nature. The added elements of both of these sources of audio are what finalize my project in the context portion. 

Editing Part Two- Designing the Credit Sequence
The credit sequence is required to reflect the 1950s aesthetic, so the font for the title was carefully selected among several, demonstrated in one of my previous blog postings. Simultaneously, the credit sequence could not distract from the visuals that occurred previously, so an impactful yet undistracted sequence must be created. The first step was downloading the font and applying it to Premiere Pro. This step was challenging, as I do not have any previous experience utilizing custom fonts. So, many YouTube videos later, I finally was able to insert the font! The next step was curating the credits such as director, actors, etc. This part required some research as well- as the order of these has patterns within the genre of thrillers had to be represented. There are other elements that also emphasize the thriller genre within the credit sequence such as the way in which the credits are displayed- within color and/ or movement. The research for all of this is highlighted within one of my first blog postings as it was a beneficial element to keep in mind in the development of the entirety of the opening. Here is a visual representation of the beginning of the credit sequence of my film opening: 

Adobe in a Minute. (2016, October 11). Premiere Pro CC : How to add new fonts [Video]. YouTube.

The Adobe Guide. (2024, June 8). How to add new fonts to Premiere Pro | Quick tutorial [Video]. YouTube.

Adobe Made Simple. (2024, October 5). How to ADD FONTS in Premiere Pro [Video]. YouTube.

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