★ Creative Critical Reflection Question 1 ★
Question 1 -How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?-
In approaching this question, there are multiple items to consider. The first is conventions of the genre, more specifically for my film opening, this would mean the conventions of a thriller. Research on conventions of thriller genres was completed in one of the earlier blog posts- which aids in the smoothness of this process. The next thing that should be considered is the ways in which genre conventions in my own film opening were either embraced, challenged, or both. For my piece, I would approach this section by addressing the use of juxtaposition and the way that without the elements of audio, my opening could not thoroughly be categorized as a thriller to the extent that it does. The last thing that the first question will include is discussion of representation. More precisely, the choices made in the way that individuals, groups, events, or issues are illustrated within the production. For my film opening, this would mean due to my 1950s setting, the way in which the woman is oblivious to the conman's deception demonstrates the heavy reliance on men resulting in trust where it is not due. This would represent some of the issues within society during this time era. It would also address individuals- the way in which people are perceived compared to the reality.
In address to the conman's deception, there are many contributing factors into the way that not only how he is so deceiving- but also how Darlene, the central character is unaware of it. One of the major developmental factors is within the audio element of the voice over in which the conman reads the letter that he sent to Darlene. The phrases have an underlying tone that serves as a contributor to the eeriness of the tone, such as the way he talks about running away often and some business that he is required to attend to. Another, more minor detail is the image on the wanted poster. To ensure naturalism within the opening, the photo is more of a "paparazzi" photo rather than staged, but without knowledge, he appears to be an average man and does not look a criminal- one of the major tactics of a conman. Other factors that contribute to the accentuation of this "issue" is Darlene's innocent nature. She is a young girl, which contributes to her naive nature. Her lack of questioning within the letter as he speaks in such a manner that is not normal is what really emphasizes the problem that persists within the film opening. All of these factors are definitely worth addressing within the production of question one of the Creative Critical Reflection.
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