Friday, March 14, 2025

Creative Critical Reflection Question 2

✦ Creative Critical Reflection Question 2 

Question 2 -How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?-

In addressing this question, there are two areas to be considered: engagement with the audience and distribution practices apparent within my film opening.

The first step in outlining the audience engagement is identifying the target audience of my film opening. The research on the target audience of my opening is detailed within one of my previous blog postings. This is what I will utilize for reference in answering this question. My opening naturally resonates with the pre- existing advocates for the thriller genre, although with the addition of the retro setting- having it set in the 1950s- the audience is widened, appealing to fans of classic cinema as well. 

Past identification of the target audience, analyzing the ways in which my film opening engages the audience is required. The use of dramatic irony, in the way that the audience is provided more information than the central character Darlene, accentuates the suspenseful elements present. The audience is able to recognize the conman's deception while Darlene remains unaware demonstrated through the visual element of the wanted poster where by Darlene walks past, unattentively. The use of this within my film opening brings a deepened audience connection as the audience becomes invested.  

The second part of this question involves how my film would realistically be distributed. Due to my film being new and independent, it would not be released widely in theatres. Realistically, a more practical approach in distribution would be through platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo, which allow for the posting of these projects and would make accessible to audiences. In addition, another threshold for releasing this project would be through smaller streaming services that release amateur films. Another intriguing option for distribution is a smaller, independent theatre that releases smaller films. This would provide the classic cinematic experience while maintaining realistic in distribution practices for this smaller film. 

Here is my script for the question 1 & 2 of the Creative Critical Reflection, it will be in a podcast form. 

As far as the podcast format goes, I will record it within a video rather than audio in order to elevate the engagement. I will utilize a microphone that I own. It looks similar to this:

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

-Group Meeting-

☆ Group Meeting 

The group meetings that took place in class today (3/12) had a significant contribution to the development of my Portfolio Project. During our discussions, my group members and I were able to receive and give each other feedback on all aspects of our project, not only the film opening, but also our ideas that are in development about the creative critical reflection. It allowed for a fresh perspective and aided in the refinements that were made to our projects. 

During the meeting, my group members and I started by sharing the outline of our openings as well as our ideas in progress about the ways in which we will approach the creative critical reflection- such as the formatting. We discussed the progress of our opening, some challenges that came across, as well as our final touches as we approach our final products. We shared with each other what we have so far, providing a visual display of the work in progress that is taking place over the editing platforms. We offered commentary about specifics of each person's project such as editing choices and cinematography. It was extremely beneficial to collaborate during the meeting as it allowed for reflection and revision.

One of the more prominently effective components within the group meeting discussion was the feedback exchange. We offered constructive criticism to each other, offering not only items to be improved, but also items that were done well and were effective to our projects. We also discussed our creative critical reflection ideas. This allowed me to brainstorm certain aspects- especially the format that it will take place. Before the group meetings I was completely unsure of my approach to formatting the CCR, but now, I feel reassured and I have a better idea about how I will approach this portion of the project. 

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Creative Critical Reflection Question 1

★ Creative Critical Reflection Question 1 ★

Question 1 -How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?-

In approaching this question, there are multiple items to consider. The first is conventions of the genre, more specifically for my film opening, this would mean the conventions of a thriller. Research on conventions of thriller genres was completed in one of the earlier blog posts- which aids in the smoothness of this process. The next thing that should be considered is the ways in which genre conventions in my own film opening were either embraced, challenged, or both. For my piece, I would approach this section by addressing the use of juxtaposition and the way that without the elements of audio, my opening could not thoroughly be categorized as a thriller to the extent that it does. The last thing that the first question will include is discussion of representation. More precisely, the choices made in the way that individuals, groups, events, or issues are illustrated within the production. For my film opening, this would mean due to my 1950s setting, the way in which the woman is oblivious to the conman's deception demonstrates the heavy reliance on men resulting in trust where it is not due. This would represent some of the issues within society during this time era. It would also address individuals- the way in which people are perceived compared to the reality.  

In address to the conman's deception, there are many contributing factors into the way that not only how he is so deceiving- but also how Darlene, the central character is unaware of it. One of the major developmental factors is within the audio element of the voice over in which the conman reads the letter that he sent to Darlene. The phrases have an underlying tone that serves as a contributor to the eeriness of the tone, such as the way he talks about running away often and some business that he is required to attend to. Another, more minor detail is the image on the wanted poster. To ensure naturalism within the opening, the photo is more of a "paparazzi" photo rather than staged, but without knowledge, he appears to be an average man and does not look a criminal- one of the major tactics of a conman. Other factors that contribute to the accentuation of this "issue" is Darlene's innocent nature. She is a young girl, which contributes to her naive nature. Her lack of questioning within the letter as he speaks in such a manner that is not normal is what really emphasizes the problem that persists within the film opening. All of these factors are definitely worth addressing within the production of question one of the Creative Critical Reflection. 

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Post - Production Post #2

 Post - Production Post #2

As the editing process approaches finalization, one of the final steps to achieving the final product is curating the credit sequence portion and inserting the audio elements. These final steps are what make the opening whole. 

Inserting the Audio Elements
The two primary sources of audio within my opening- the suspenseful, thriller music and the voice over of the conman- are what shape the entirety of the film opening. The music is what shapes the genre of thriller- without the opening is not genre characterized- due to my technique of utilizing juxtaposition to develop the setting and tone. The voice over is also a crucial element due to the added context and eerie tone as the conman's phrases serve as subtle hints at his deceptive nature. The added elements of both of these sources of audio are what finalize my project in the context portion. 

Editing Part Two- Designing the Credit Sequence
The credit sequence is required to reflect the 1950s aesthetic, so the font for the title was carefully selected among several, demonstrated in one of my previous blog postings. Simultaneously, the credit sequence could not distract from the visuals that occurred previously, so an impactful yet undistracted sequence must be created. The first step was downloading the font and applying it to Premiere Pro. This step was challenging, as I do not have any previous experience utilizing custom fonts. So, many YouTube videos later, I finally was able to insert the font! The next step was curating the credits such as director, actors, etc. This part required some research as well- as the order of these has patterns within the genre of thrillers had to be represented. There are other elements that also emphasize the thriller genre within the credit sequence such as the way in which the credits are displayed- within color and/ or movement. The research for all of this is highlighted within one of my first blog postings as it was a beneficial element to keep in mind in the development of the entirety of the opening. Here is a visual representation of the beginning of the credit sequence of my film opening: 

Adobe in a Minute. (2016, October 11). Premiere Pro CC : How to add new fonts [Video]. YouTube.

The Adobe Guide. (2024, June 8). How to add new fonts to Premiere Pro | Quick tutorial [Video]. YouTube.

Adobe Made Simple. (2024, October 5). How to ADD FONTS in Premiere Pro [Video]. YouTube.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Costume Creation

 Costume Creation 

The costuming process of Darlene's character will define not only her character, but the setting of the film opening as it is set within the 1950s. Every detail that exists within Darlene's costuming choices is to reflect her innocence and youthfulness as well as the styles in the 1950s. Every element that was chosen contributed to the enhancement of the visual storytelling within my film opening. 

The Dress
One of the main aspects of costuming Darlene is the dress. It is a vintage inspired, pastel blue, small white striped, puffed sleeved short dress. The small details of the dress combined contribute to the overall effectiveness of the dress. Not only does the dress match with the 1950s styles that I aimed to represent, but it defines Darlene's character as the dress is shorter, indicating youthfulness, and it has puffed sleeves that emphasize her feminine look. A sense of contrast is also present within the dress as the pastel color clashes against the darker elements that surround the narrative's themes. (The dress is visually represented in the pre-production post on the mise-en-scene element of costuming that I completed in a previous blog.)

The Addition Of A Pearl Necklace
A spontaneous decision that I made as I got ready in the morning of filming day was the addition of a pearl necklace. Initially, I had not planned on encorporating jewelry, but after doing a thorough amount of research on mise-en-scene elements that existed within the 1950s, I found a common pattern of pearl jewelry. Elegance was emphasized within the overall look of Darlene's costuming, making the choice effective. It also added a touch of femininity, reinforcing elements that I aimed to create within her character. 

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Post - Production Post #1

 Post- Production Post #1

Editing Process Part One
The editing portion within filmmaking is an essential process allowing for a cohesive piece to be developed, emphasizing the raw footage. The first phase within the editing process is importing the clips and developing timing of each clip to establish seamlessness. The application Adobe Premiere Pro was what I utilized to organize the footage as well as cut them to the correct timing that portrays the opening the most efficiently. 

Importing/Organizing Clips
The initial step prior to the start of the editing process is reviewing the footage from my phone and selecting the clips that I will use for the final opening. This is crucial because during the shooting process, I ensured to record multiple takes of the same shots in order to allow myself options within the editing process. The actual editing process then began at Adobe Premiere Pro where I imported all of the raw footage into the app and dragged it over in the order that correlates to my storyboard. Once the clips were arranged in sequential order, the process of trimming each shot to the correct length began. This step is extremely crucial to visual storytelling within the thriller genre especially due to the heavy reliance on timing to create an unsettling tone. I examined each take ensuring that the opening transitions smoothly and that the overall flow is maintained. 

Here is a visual representation of the beginning of my editing process:

While going through the first portion of the editing process, I paid strict attention to the timing. Due to the reliance on visuals within my film rather than dialogue, I had to ensure that the pacing of each clip was correct. I ensured to pay attention to longer clips within the facial expressions of the central character, Darlene in order to portray her pure innocence and naive nature as well as the zoom into the wanted poster as it required longer on screen time to accomodate to the viewers reading the titles and to emphasize the chilling tone that I aimed to create within my film opening. 

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Shooting Process

 Shooting Process 

The Production Process
The production portion of my Portfolio Project is the result of strategic planning and preparation. Each detail has been finalized to play a role in the process of shooting the actual film in order for the filming to go smoothly. Every small detail from prop creation to recording of the voice over will collectively work together to ensure the shooting process to be effective in its portrayal of character and setting within my film opening. 

The night before filming, in order to be prepared, I organized the props in order to give myself a clear visual representation of how the set would look. Utilizing a cork board, I pinned the wanted poster and other advertising papers to ensure that it would look exactly how I visualized. This gave me a chance to plan the placement of the papers before arriving on set to film. Additionally, I printed the love letter and folded it into thirds, resembling the way in which it would be folded to fit into an envelope, adding some wear so that it does not look like a freshly printed paper. This contributes greatly to the realism that I aimed to create within my film opening. 

Another portion of the pre filming phase is the recording of the voice over. The voice over is a portrayal of the conman within the film who reads over the love letter. This is effective because it gives the conman a presence within the film without his existence within the visual elements of the film. The recording portion of the voice over consisted of trial and error, but it came together in the end very well. Though it took time, the realism and smoothness was perfected, adding to the authenticity within the film. The recording was done by my brother which was a major help, he was very patient with me even when it took some time to be perfected, which I am extremely grateful for! The recording of the voice over taking place before shooting was done on purpose in order for me to pace certain shots within the filming process. 

⭒ Filming Day ⭒

The morning of the shoot, I began getting ready using YouTube tutorials on vintage style hair and makeup in order to contribute further to the realism present of representing the 1950s era accurately. After, I dressed in my pastel blue, striped dress and white flats to fully bring together Darlene's feminine and innocent look. 

We arrived at the park early in the morning, in order to minimize the chance of interruption by people as well as to take advantage of the soft, morning light as this is a contributing factor in two major elements within my film- juxtaposition in visual and auditory elements and the correlation that surrounds Darlene's innocence, naiveness, and youthfulness. After searching for a location within the park, I finally landed on the perfect spot that brought just the right amount of sunlight that I was in search for. Rather than filming in a shaded area, a more open sunlit area was chosen as this lighting, though more difficult to avoid shadowing while filming, elevated the nostalgic, 1950s atmosphere by adding a sense of delicacy. 

After posting the wanted poster to a nearby tree, I was satisfied with my decision to print a couple other ads that were to surround it because it added a naturalistic effect. Due to my inability to film the opening myself, because I serve as the actress for Darlene, my parents aided in recording shots. My parents had a very well execution in the filming process, which I am very grateful for, especially considering the heat. This process went significantly smoother due to the storyboard, providing a visual representation of the shots to my parents due to their lack of knowledge on shots and angles. The storyboard was definitely a crucial element in the shooting process, a lack of this would have resulted in a significantly less effective filming process.

Here are a few behind the scenes images of the filming process:

During shooting, an unplanned, but effective element came in place. As I walked under the tree in which the wanted poster is displayed, a contrast between sunlight and shade created a successful tone shift, bringing about some sense of erriness within the element of lighting. This also served as a symbol of the conman's lasting presence upon the film opening, with the unintentional shift in lighting that presented opportunity for a more elevated sense within the visual storytelling as well as within the suspenseful elements. 

Post Filming
After filming, I carefully took down the papers that I had posted up on the tree. Before leaving the filming location, I looked back on some of the footage to ensure that the shots went smoothly. This gave me a sense of reassurance, as all of the shots were perfect and matched exactly how I envisioned them to be. 

Jackie Wyers. (2018, September 19). allie hamilton “the notebook” vintage hairstyles | 40’s [Video]. YouTube.

Zabrena. (2014, August 18). Historically accurate: 1950s makeup tutorial [Video]. YouTube.

Saturday, March 1, 2025


 Storyboarding ☆

The Storyboarding Process
Within the process of development of the Portfolio Project film opening, one of the most important steps is storyboarding. Storyboarding provides a visual representation of exactly which shots and angles will be utilized within the film. It serves as guidance in not only planning, but a guided outline for the actual filmmaking process- within the production. For my film opening, I utilized storyboarding to organize my ideas and ensure that my techniques are informed and make sense within the development of the film. My film opening, in specific, is unique in the way that the tone is required to pertain to the 1950s setting that the film is set within. The storyboarding process aided in this in the way that all of these elements are displayed visually. 
Here is the storyboard for my project:

Updates After Shooting
The shooting process for my film definitely was driven by the storyboard. The process was extremely smooth as I had my plan outlined visually. As each shot was already planned and served a purpose in development, as I was shooting, there was some assurement as to what I was recorded was contributing to a well planned final product. The storyboard, as it is physical, I was able to take it with me while filming. This was a major aid because I served as the actress in the film, therefore I was not able to record it. The visual representation helped in giving the cinematographers- who do not know these shots and angles- a good idea of how they look.  

Creative Critical Reflection Question 2

✦ Creative Critical Reflection Question 2  ✦ Question 2 -How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a re...