✦ Shooting Process ✦
The Production Process
The production portion of my Portfolio Project is the result of strategic planning and preparation. Each detail has been finalized to play a role in the process of shooting the actual film in order for the filming to go smoothly. Every small detail from prop creation to recording of the voice over will collectively work together to ensure the shooting process to be effective in its portrayal of character and setting within my film opening.
The night before filming, in order to be prepared, I organized the props in order to give myself a clear visual representation of how the set would look. Utilizing a cork board, I pinned the wanted poster and other advertising papers to ensure that it would look exactly how I visualized. This gave me a chance to plan the placement of the papers before arriving on set to film. Additionally, I printed the love letter and folded it into thirds, resembling the way in which it would be folded to fit into an envelope, adding some wear so that it does not look like a freshly printed paper. This contributes greatly to the realism that I aimed to create within my film opening.
Another portion of the pre filming phase is the recording of the voice over. The voice over is a portrayal of the conman within the film who reads over the love letter. This is effective because it gives the conman a presence within the film without his existence within the visual elements of the film. The recording portion of the voice over consisted of trial and error, but it came together in the end very well. Though it took time, the realism and smoothness was perfected, adding to the authenticity within the film. The recording was done by my brother which was a major help, he was very patient with me even when it took some time to be perfected, which I am extremely grateful for! The recording of the voice over taking place before shooting was done on purpose in order for me to pace certain shots within the filming process.
⭒ Filming Day ⭒
The morning of the shoot, I began getting ready using YouTube tutorials on vintage style hair and makeup in order to contribute further to the realism present of representing the 1950s era accurately. After, I dressed in my pastel blue, striped dress and white flats to fully bring together Darlene's feminine and innocent look.
We arrived at the park early in the morning, in order to minimize the chance of interruption by people as well as to take advantage of the soft, morning light as this is a contributing factor in two major elements within my film- juxtaposition in visual and auditory elements and the correlation that surrounds Darlene's innocence, naiveness, and youthfulness. After searching for a location within the park, I finally landed on the perfect spot that brought just the right amount of sunlight that I was in search for. Rather than filming in a shaded area, a more open sunlit area was chosen as this lighting, though more difficult to avoid shadowing while filming, elevated the nostalgic, 1950s atmosphere by adding a sense of delicacy.
After posting the wanted poster to a nearby tree, I was satisfied with my decision to print a couple other ads that were to surround it because it added a naturalistic effect. Due to my inability to film the opening myself, because I serve as the actress for Darlene, my parents aided in recording shots. My parents had a very well execution in the filming process, which I am very grateful for, especially considering the heat. This process went significantly smoother due to the storyboard, providing a visual representation of the shots to my parents due to their lack of knowledge on shots and angles. The storyboard was definitely a crucial element in the shooting process, a lack of this would have resulted in a significantly less effective filming process.
Here are a few behind the scenes images of the filming process:
During shooting, an unplanned, but effective element came in place. As I walked under the tree in which the wanted poster is displayed, a contrast between sunlight and shade created a successful tone shift, bringing about some sense of erriness within the element of lighting. This also served as a symbol of the conman's lasting presence upon the film opening, with the unintentional shift in lighting that presented opportunity for a more elevated sense within the visual storytelling as well as within the suspenseful elements.
Post Filming
After filming, I carefully took down the papers that I had posted up on the tree. Before leaving the filming location, I looked back on some of the footage to ensure that the shots went smoothly. This gave me a sense of reassurance, as all of the shots were perfect and matched exactly how I envisioned them to be.
Jackie Wyers. (2018, September 19). allie hamilton “the notebook” vintage hairstyles | 40’s [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYu9alV1rZs
Zabrena. (2014, August 18). Historically accurate: 1950s makeup tutorial [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Asq-cojjnTU