Friday, January 31, 2025

Transitioning to the Portfolio Project

★ Portfolio Project ★

    From this day forth, my blog postings will revolve around the much anticipated Portfolio Project! In order to prepare for this, my class was familiarized with film openings including the elements that exist within and more importantly, how to establish purpose. Samples of film openings were provided to the class, which helped immensely to get an idea of what we will be producing in time.These also demonstrated the ways each and every film opening has a different approach while simultaneously showing the similarities in the way that all of the film openings strive to: establish tone, characters, background, setting with their intricate choices. This project is a notable way to connect all the dots within the AICE Media Studies year. All of the content that I have learned throughout my time in AICE Media is collectively being brought together, bringing a sense of unity into all of these elements. 

    For my own film opening, I am interested in approaching the establishment of character. I appreciate the way that establishing a character within a film requires thorough use of mise-en-scene, which is something that intrigues me greatly. I also would love to see the elements of dialogue come together to create a final piece-- striving for meaning --using the least amount of words with the greatest amount of impact is what I aim for. With intricate planning, the establishment of character can have a great execution. 
    Another purpose that I am considering would be the establishment of background. I value highly that this technique does not rely on dialogue, making the mise-en-scene a crucial element that requires careful thought and execution in order to work properly. I appreciate the way that establishing background alludes to what possibilities exist beyond the two minute film introduction, but in a naturalistic way, alluring the audience into the film. 

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