Sunday, February 2, 2025

Genre Research



    Drama film openings have a pattern of developing a character, relying on emotional elements to fully achieve this. Often a visually striking setting is incorporated to develop the mood of the film, usually including a play on color theory. The openings of dramas often focus on the single shot, making the shot impactful in order to hook an audience. 
    For my own Portfolio Project, I want to achieve this impactful shot, focusing on the dynamics of the character. 

Forrest Gump
    In the opening of Forrest Gump (1994), a feather is used as a symbolic instrument in order to portray the unpredictable elements of the film. The feather works indirectly to develop Forrest's character, but this is not obvious from the start. Forrest's props being the suitcase and the items it holds helps developmentally in his character, showing his neatness and childlike attributes as he has a Curious George book with him. The dialogue of Forrest gives insight to his reminiscence of his mother's words, displaying the impacts of her words on him. Forrest's accent as well as how he distributes his dialogue give audiences insight to his character further. All of these intricate details help to develop context to the film. 

American Beauty
    In the opening of American Beauty (1999), a narrating "I" is used to portray the mundane life of Lester Burnham. This dialogue here is crucial as there is not much character to character dialogue that really builds on character development. A necessary element in the narration is present when he makes audiences aware that he will be dead in a year-- highlighting that the narration is set in the future. Visually, the opening begins with a shot from above Lester's neighborhood, illustrating the dullness through color theory-- a lot of greys and browns are present here. There is a substantial amount of symbolism present visually in this opening-- 1- the closed off setting of the shower, 2- the dog, being trapped within the fences of Lester's home-- reflecting Lester's character. Lester's mid life crisis is really being highlighted within the opening of this film, where his later self is reflecting upon. 

    Thriller film openings commonly rely on music, lighting and sound to develop the tone for the rest of the film. Camera angles are also resorted to that change often in order to build suspense- the main goal of a thriller film.
    For my film opening, I want to create the tone with use of music elements. 

The Shining
    In the opening of The Shining (1980), a beautiful Colorado setting is contrasted with mysterious music elements, creating an unsettling atmosphere. The Overlook Hotel having island-like attributes creates a sense of isolation in the setting. As small car drives through the wilderness, the camera follows the car, seems to track away, then follows again, a relationship is established between the camera. The development of the family's sense of pure isolation is accentuated as they have become engulfed in the wilderness, with the elements of nature contrast with the solidarity of the family's car. With the music elements alone, the uneasy tone that is created gives the audience insight of the events that will occur thereafter. 

    In the opening of Jaws (1975), the essence of the shark's threatening manner is created without ever showing the actual shark. The scene is powerful to the trajectory of the rest of the film by establishing the conflict from the beginning of the film. The introduction of a character and the killing off just as quickly demonstrates the ruthlessness nature of the shark. Chrissie (the victim of the shark attack) screams in response to the attack, when all the sudden the scene cuts all of the musical elements as a use of juxtaposition of the chaos of the attack with the calmness in audio. The biggest impact of the opening of Jaws is the existent presence of the shark despite the missing visual representation.

e Scenes. (2020, March 16). Forrest Gump opening scene (Feather at the bus Stop) - Forrest Gump (1994) - movie clip HD scene [Video]. YouTube.

Jérôme. (2019, January 24). American Beauty, by Sam Mendes (1999) - Opening scene (with Kevin Spacey) [Video]. YouTube.

Sandro. (2013, July 13). The Shining • first scene 1080p [Video]. YouTube.

Movieclips. (2011b, May 27). Jaws (1975) - Chrissie’s Last Swim Scene (1/10) | MovieClips [Video]. YouTube.


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