Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Outline of Project Idea

 Project Idea

For my Media Studies Portfolio Project, I am creating my two- minute film opening based in the 1950s/1960s that is centered around an innocent young woman, aged around 17, in order to give her independence while simultaneously emphasizing her naïve nature, that is unknowingly involved with a conman. The tense elements will be created through the audience's awareness of the conman's goals, while the woman remains unaware. There will not be an actor for the conman in order for his character to remain anonymous and mysterious- highlighting his resistance to be publicly seen. The presence of his character will be demonstrated through a love letter that he writes to the young woman. The suspense will peak in the ending of the opening where the camera strays to a newspaper headline in which the conman is revealed to be a wanted man, leaving the woman still in obliviousness. 

My Biggest Challenge
The biggest challenge that I have experienced within the development of my Portfolio Project film opening idea is the lack of an actor to play the conman. Though this was a complication in the development process, it ended up being a blessing in disguise! Without an actual presence of his character within the opening, an opportunity for a more mysterious tone within the film became apparent. The lack of his actor will aid in the overall genre of my opening being a psychological thriller as the character's identity is completely hidden. This also brought open an opportunity for the utilization of a letter which will aid in the development of the woman's innocence and unknowingness of his fraudulence. I intend to use subtle hints at the conman's deception within the letter- such as in the phrasing and tone, further emphasizing the lack of the woman's knowledge of this, victimizing her. 

Authenticity in the Atmosphere
Due to my film opening being set in the 1950s/1960s, I want to ensure that close attention to detail is present throughout. Though I am not completely sure about the setting of the film, I have two options. The first option, my most preferred option, is inside of a 1950s- styled diner. These types of diners are pretty heavily available anywhere, but I would have to obtain permission from the owners in order to film inside, which could possibly bring a challenge to this filming location. Filming in a diner, though, would be 100% on theme and would bring an extra level of detail and precision to the film opening, creating a true 50s fashioned atmosphere. The second option is in a local park. There are many parks in the city in which I live that would create a well thought out 50s vibe- almost Pleasantville-esque. I would have to pay attention to ensure that I choose a time/area where no cars or people are passing by so that the 1950s/1960s elements will be maintained. 

Here is a mood board as to what I want to achieve within the environment of my film opening: 

Establishing Character 
The main character within my film, the young innocent woman, is yet to be named. Some names I am considering, based off of research of 1950s/1960s women's names are: Marianne, Darlene, Charlotte, Pamela, and Beverly. These names reflect elegance and femininity that is treasured within this time era for women. To continue the theme of the 1950s/1960s time era I intend to incorporate these elements within the costuming of the main character. The styles during this time are very distinct- from the clothes to the hair to the makeup. Women's fashion commonly included skirts- mid length with petticoats underneath to accentuate the body of the skirt. The hair during this era often included pin curls, whether the hair is down or up and bows or headbands, which also contributes to their innocent and feminine 'look'. Women's makeup was mainly focused around the eyes, a 'doe eyed' look was very common. I aim to reflect these in my project accurately to create an effective film opening.

Top names of the 1950s. (n.d.). https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/decades/names1950s.html 

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