Friday, February 28, 2025

Prop Creation

 Prop Creation ★

Within my opening, the role of props is crucial. They shape the entirety of the opening and reinforce the authenticity of the 1950s setting. My focus was on the two most prominent props within the opening- the wanted poster and the love letter. In the creation of these props, accurate design is essential in order to accurately represent plot points and setting, so research was required. 

Research/ Planning Process
Before the development of the props, ensuring that the opening is maintaining an authentic setting is extremely beneficial. The elements of realism that are present within the film can be developed through proper research of 1950s elements. I began by researching authentic documents from the 1950s era. The examination of certain design choices within these documents such as formatting and fonts aided in the creation of my two props. To maintain the realistic atmosphere, the documents that were reviewed served as a base for the creation of my props. Here is a visual representation of each document that was examined:

Love letter

Wanted poster

Love Letter
Based off of my examination of the authentic image of a love letter from the 1950s, the handwritten element will contribute greatly to the delicate elements that are juxtaposed to the thriller genre. The love letter, in my film opening, serves as a symbol of Darlene's relationship with the conman as well as her trust within him, deep and developed surrounding deception. In order to ensure the font is continuously the same, I decided to utilize a document on Canva due to the font variety that it provides. As I began the search for a font, I aimed to keep it similar to the font I chose for the titles, in order to maintain cohesiveness throughout, while simultaneously reinforcing romanticism and delicate elements. For the actual content within the letter, considering the importance of it because it will be voiced over by the conman, the language was to be subtly deceptive. This would work to illustrate Darlene's unawareness and naive nature.  

Here is the font that was chosen for the titles of the opening:
Compared to what was chosen for the letter:

Here is the final product of the actual letter, which will be printed and folded in order to give it a naturalistic sense:

Wanted Poster
The wanted poster serves much importance within my film opening as well, outlining the suspense in the way that only audiences are alerted, preserving Darlene's oblivion. In order to focus on realism within the wanted poster, I ensured that everything from font to layout were authentic. I achieved this also by examining samples. The one represented above demonstrates the outline that I utilized to create the poster. Following this as an outline, with minor adjustments, such as fonts, to put emphasis on the portrayal of the 1950s setting, guaranteed elements of realism. Utilizing the website Canva, once again, due to the variety within font elements, I chose fonts that reflected the 1950s setting. My research in order to maintain authenticity is demonstrated in my one of my previous blog posts that discussed typography. Here is the final product:

BBC News. (2018, May 19). Love letter from 1950s returned to Cornwall couple.

Gallery item Display (U.S. National Park Service). (n.d.).

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Overcoming an Obstacle

 Obstacle ☆

During the process of production within my film opening, a crucial role existed in the props, mainly the newspaper that I planned on using as the medium for the final reveal. It was meant to fill a major role in the opening, and the absence of it would change the entirety of the opening. The issue that occured in the ordering process of this prop was the delayed arrival time. Of course, running into an issue is inevitable within larger projects, so it is crucial to be prepared and have a backup plan- the decision that was to be made was required to be quick and effective. 

Plan Shift
Originally, the newspaper was to serve as a provider of a plot-shifting realization that only the audience experiences. Without the access of this prop in time, I had to adjust and use an alternative that would give the same effect, so I decided that a wanted poster would be effective in this. The wanted poster, alike to the newspaper, conveys the message of the antagonist's, D.K.'s, deceptive nature, putting emphasis on his criminality further. The opening remains just as suspenseful, correlating to the thriller genre that it surrounds. 

Here is the wanted poster that I created in replacement of the newspaper:

The change that occured within the mise-en-scene of props also affected a change of setting in the opening. As a newspaper fits naturally within a diner setting, a wanted poster within a diner felt unnatural. To maintain visual sense within the opening, a change in setting was required. I decided to have the opening change from being set in a diner to outdoors, as the setting of a park was my backup plan. This change will allow the wanted poster to remain in its natural setting, either pinned to a post or a tree, allowing Darlene to come upon it in a natural state. 

Though when I first decided on choosing a 'backup plan', I did not foresee actually being required to use it unless I was not able to gain permission to film within a diner. Fortunately, I did make the backup plan in case of unforeseen issues within the production process, allowing a somewhat smoother transition. The park's location allows for new opportunities such as the atmosphere, framing, and the utilization of natural lighting and an open space. I feel that this may put even more emphasis on Darlene's isolation and vulnerability as she is in the absence of others, being somewhere natural and in the lack of help. At first, the change was a bit frustrating, but I found that even when things do not go as expected, they can still lead to improvements within the filmmaking process. 

Monday, February 24, 2025

Titles – Fonts

 Fonts ✦

Typography will play a crucial role in the development of this film opening- especially because it will be set in the 1950s. An establishment of setting through the font will be a major aid in reinforcing the authenticity of the time era in which this opening will be set. Elements within this time revolved around elegance and sophistication. This in a thriller film enhances the mysterious elements I aim to create, by misguiding viewers initially, using juxtaposition within these typography elements by installing a more delicate tone, overlapped with suspense within the music. A strong sense of juxtaposition will be present within the entirety of the film, only enhanced with a well thought out font choice. 

To access the fonts that will be used in my film opening, the website Font Space provided various typography choices. As I began to select multiple options for my font, I considered following fonts that demonstrated delicacy and femininity to correlate with the main character Darlene's traits, adding a sense of correlation within these details. Another element that I considered in the selection of a font was the typefaces that were common for the 1950s, so I did some research on the common fonts to establish the vintage atmosphere. Finding a website that offered visuals really aided in this. Here is a visual representation of fonts from the 1950s:

I found that I can illustrate the vintage look while simultaneously portraying feminine traits by using a cursive or cursive-based font. With this, I began my search for cursive fonts that gave off vintage 1950s styles, similar to the image above. The fonts below are what I narrowed down my choice to. (Starred ☆ are the most preferred!). After debating a while which font I will finally choose, I ended up selecting the font titled Crystal Symphony, option number three. This font is the most feminine looking and it provides the delicate details that I am in search of.

Option 1- 

Option 2-

Option 3- ☆☆

Option 4-

Dvornechuck, A. (2023, March 5). 9 Best 50s Fonts for Old-School Design.

Sunday, February 23, 2025


★ Audio Elements ★

The role that audio takes within my film opening is one of the most importance, establishing the tone and aiding in the guidance of the audience. In my opening, audio takes place as not only the music elements, but also the voice over. The voice over helps to develop the conman's presence even when he is not physically present on screen at any point. 


The selection of music is an important choice as it is required to serve as a way of conveying the thriller openings tone. In order for the opening to remain in the 1950s atmosphere, the choice of music must correlate effectively, not becoming too modernized. The music will slowly intensify within the opening, starting off more delicately and raising in tempo towards the end, symbolizing the aspects of the relationship within this opening. The deception that the conman has will be highlighted through the elements of music as the music is suspenseful and ominous. An emphasis on juxtaposition is also used within the element of music in the way that Darlene carries such innocence while the atmosphere is suspenseful and dark- contributing to the 'out of placeness' that Darlene experiences. 

In order to narrow down my selection of music choice, I started by browsing through multiple sites that offered non-copyrighted music. Once I landed on the site I ultimately chose to use, Pixabay, because of its selection being greater than the rest, it gave an option to create a playlist, so I created one. As I scrolled through and listened to different options, I added the ones that were contenders. This was a really great feature and it definitely aided in my selection process. Here is my playlist: 

This is the title for the music I selected to play across the entirety of the film. I ensured that my choice was a longer form of music so that it could play over the full two minute length of my film, if needed. Ensuring that the choice is copyright free, I was able to access it through a website called Pixabay which offers these non copyrighted sounds. 

Voice Over

The voice over for the letter is one of the most important parts to my opening. It will be performed by my brother who will read the love letter of the conman. At first thought, I intended for Darlene to read the letter, but ultimately realized that the actual conman reading it would aid in the development of his character due to the offscreen setting of himself as well as carry out more deceptive elements through the way in which he speaks. Authenticity will be added to the conman's character through the voice over, emphasizing the deceiving nature of himself, through his smooth, affectionate tone of voice. The voice over will be layered on top of visuals that will demonstrate Darlene's unknowingness of his true identity, highlighting the naive nature of herself. 

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Mise-en-scene #2- Costuming


Costuming within my film opening is the way in which authenticity is created within the 1950s atmosphere that my opening is set in. Therefore, every detail of costuming is required to be reflective of the time while simultaneously developing character within the opening, reinforcing the femininity and innocence of the central character, Darlene. In order to achieve this aspect of mise-en-scene, I decided to approach the elements of costuming that are most important to develop authenticity and character by precisely selecting the wardrobe, makeup, and hair styling. 

Darlene's costume for the film opening is a vintage-inspired, pastel blue striped dress aligning with the classic 1950s silhouette. The dress has features that contribute to Darlene's delicacy and youthfulness such as the cinched waist, puffy sleeves and the full, short skirt. The pastel blue color coordinates to color theory as the more soft color tones symbolize innocence which are fit to the traits of Darlene. The stripes within the dress serve as an important detail to the 1950s style, maintaining the visual pleasance and elegance associated with her wardrobe. Along with the dress pairing ballet-style flats as well as dainty pearl earrings will accentuate the 1950s patterns and put emphasis on Darlene's feminine and gentle look. 

Here is the dress:

During the 1950s, the makeup look was soft, focusing on enhancing natural features. For Darlene, this will be a light coverage foundation base and a soft rosy blush to enhance the youthful features she holds. For the eyes, there will be a subtle eyeliner and light mascara to maintain delicacy within the eye makeup. For the lips, a darker red lip will be used in order to align with makeup trends during the fifties. To remain authentic, nothing glossy will be used due to the lack of glossy lip product being made. In order for Darlene's character to remain with the naive and youthful looks, she will utilize a lighter shade of red, leaning more toward the pink side. Overall, the makeup look of the central character, Darlene will be soft, yet refined, in order to correlate to the films era while keeping her traits untouched. 

Here are a few visuals to help picture the makeup look:

Hair Styling
Hairstyling within my film opening is another crucial part to retaining an authentic 1950s atmosphere. For Darlene, this will be a classic 1950s look being a soft curl to reflect her youth as well as elegance that was treasured in the fifties. The loose, but voluminous curls will be styled in a slightly side part in order to achieve that 1950s classic style. The hair will be accessorized with a small bow or a headband to align with not only Darlene's feminine qualities, but to reflect the 1950s mise-en-scene with these small, yet careful details. 

Here is a visual representation of my inspiration:

Posts, V. M. (2023, October 7). 1950s Makeup: The Best Tricks. The Wandering Antiquarian.

Sessions, D. L. (2001, May 1). 1950s Hairstyles – 50s Hairstyles from Short to Long. Vintage Dancer.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Mise-en-scene #1- Props

⭑  Props  

In the development of mise-en-scene for my portfolio project, props serve as a crucial role in the establishment of authenticity within my film opening. As my film's plot ends around a suspenseful 'final reveal' approach explaining the reason behind the suspense that has been created, the newspaper reveals that the man that the central character is involved with is in fact a dangerous conman who is deceiving her. The newspaper serves as a major tool for the plot development, but in order to maintain the 1950s setting, this needs to correlate perfectly. In order to begin the creation of the newspaper, I had to properly research documentation of newspapers from the 1950s. I started by examining images of newspapers from the era, focusing on fonts, layout, image size and text content in order to get a good idea of the elements that are included in order to curate an accurately represented version of a 1950s newspaper. 
Here is a sample I reviewed:

⭑ 1950s Toronto newspaper ⭑
I began by utilizing the website Canva because it offers templates for a newspaper, making it available to print. Though the premade templates provided an outline of the newspaper, they took on a more modern approach, so a lot of edits had to be made in order for the newspaper to correctly correlate to the 1950s setting. The first step I took to start the process of curating the newspaper was searching for fonts, I started scrolling through the fonts that are offered within Canva's website, until I found a font called Satisfy, fitting of the name because it was an accurate 1950s style font. In order to make the title of the cover for the newspaper stand out (in order for the audience to recognize this plot point), I searched for a bolder and more attention grabbing font that would ensure that the words would be transmitted to the audience, I ended up using the font League Gothic, a bold font as it serves as the focal point for the paper. As for the layout of the image, I selected a grainy type image to ensure a naturalistic look of the piece. I also made sure that the man correlated to his character type, dangerous looking and mysterious, wearing black and having dark hair, to emphasize his deceptive nature. Through a website called, options for print are available, this will be the medium in which I order the newspaper. 

Here is how I designed the front cover:

I will create a post during the production process (next week) to demonstrate the creation of the letter, which is another crucial prop within my film opening. 

Johndougtaylor. (2015, March 23). Toronto’s daily newspapers of the 1950s—Princess Elizabeth, pre-Coronation—Part 1 - Historic Toronto. Historic Toronto.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Character Development

☆ Character Development ☆

The first step in my character development process involves the selection of a fitting name for the protagonist. As a central character within my film opening, her character must reflect elements of femininity and innocence- qualities that are crucial in order to correlate with a genuine 1950s setting. Therefore, her character's name must capture these features. In order to narrow down the name selection, I previously created a list of potential names for her character, as reflected in a past blog post. This list consists of Marianne, Darlene, Charlotte, Pamela, and Beverly which are obtained from some of the popular female names from the 1950s. After some consideration, I chose the name Darlene. Though all of the choices are fitting to the time period in which my opening sets in, certain names tend to display more mature and elegant traits- like Marianne or Charlotte- where the name Darlene is more associated with youthful traits. I also noticed that some of the listed names had stronger associations to blondes rather than brunettes, where the name Darlene was well fit to my actress who is brunette. 

Darlene's character consists of a young, naive 17 year old whose innocence is shown through her resistance to be aware of the deception that the conman she is involved with carries. The innocence of her character aids in defining the vulnerable position that she serves within the film opening. Due to Darlene's character's lack of dialogue, the visual elements will serve as representation of her character- more prominently through costuming elements. In reference to color theory, I will use pastel and light hues to demonstrate the innocence and purity of Darlene. Of course, the role of 1950s fashion will be included, in using silhouettes according to these trends as well as light flowy materials. Additionally, another considerable factor within Darlene's visual character development is her body language and facial expressions. Her character's movements and facial expressions will be gentle and light, reflecting those feminine traits. Ultimately, I aim to create Darlene's character into a protagonist who not only matches the visual aesthetic of the opening, but also serves as a captivating center in which the plot unfolds upon. 

Here is a vision board illustrating further the elements of Darlene's character:

☆ Darlene 

Digital Synopsis. (2021, January 7). How filmmakers use colors to set the mood of a film.

Sunday, February 16, 2025


 Screenplay ⭒

A screenplay or script is a crucial element in the development of any film or TV show. For major films the screenplay serves as a tool for estimating the amount of time a film will last as a page of screenplay is estimated to be one minute. It is an outline of the entirety of the piece and includes descriptions of not only the dialogue, but also setting, actions of characters, and prominent visual elements. 

To begin writing the screenplay for my film, I developed a basic knowledge of the formatting of a screenplay and the particular elements that are to be included within one. A major aid in the development of my screenplay was having a prior outline of the idea that would exist within my opening, which is shown in one of my recent blog posts. Looking at examples was beneficial to me because it allowed a visual demonstration of not only how it should be formatted, but the specifics on what is included within the screenplay. I referenced screenplay from Halloween (1978), which is applicable to my genre, to ensure that my formatting is accurate. I also accessed a Nearpod that my teacher provided, giving basics as to how to write a screenplay- it provided a demonstration of the steps to begin writing a screenplay as well as a basic outline of the formatting. 

Here are my notes that I referenced during the development of my screenplay:

Here is the link to the screenplay for my film opening, The Fine Print. I felt it was more effective in the development of my film opening to begin by writing the screenplay rather than the storyboard, but I will include a post with my storyboard later in order to visually outline my project. 

nch, S. (2024, August 15). Screenplay example — Script formatting & elements explained – StudioBinder.

StudioBinder Inc. (n.d.). StudioBinder: Video, TV & film production management and collaboration software. StudioBinder App.

Nearpod. (n.d.). Nearpod Web.


Saturday, February 15, 2025

Target Audience

 Target Audience ⭒

Target Audience for the Thriller Film Opening
In developing the Media Studies Portfolio Project, an important detail is determining the target audience in order to resonate with choices in the planning and production portions of the film opening. With the film's 1950s-inspired psychological thriller style, the most prominent audience consists of pre-existing advocates of the thriller genre, young adults, and fans of classic films who would experience a sense of nostalgia in viewing the opening. Understanding my audience aids in the creation of the overall final project, ensuring that everything from mise-en-scene to screenplay is correctly produced. 

Prominent Audience
The film’s genre—psychological thriller—naturally grabs the attention to those who enjoy suspense films as this target audience is pre-established, but my film combines suspense elements with the 50s styled mise-en-scene, expanding the target audience greatly. Psychological thrillers intend to maintain audience engagement by revolving around mystery, tension, and dramatic elements, which my film resonates with, by giving the audience insight to the conman’s deceptive nature while the protagonist is unaware.

Young adults, especially ages 15-25, serve a significant portion of the targeted audience. This demographic often gravitates toward films that maintain mysterious elements, thrillers resonate with these by 'discluding' certain elements, leading to questioning. The tense characteristic of the conman’s deception, combined with a suspenseful final revealing aligns with the targeted audience's interest in intricate detailing. Additionally, the film's mise-en-scene may appeal to younger audiences drawn to vintage aesthetics, especially with the recurrences of retro- inspired media on platforms like TikTok and Instagram.

Other Audience: Fans of Classic Cinema
Since the film is set in a 1950s-style diner and incorporates vintage elements, it will also attract audiences who appreciate classic Hollywood films, more commonly, those influenced by film noir and mid-century thrillers. Viewers who enjoy Alfred Hitchcock films, such as Vertigo (1958) and Psycho (1960), would be targeted as there is similar incorporated suspenseful elements and psychological depth of my project, similarly to these films. 

Stylistically, films that resonate with this mood board:

There is a heighteing audience for neo-noir and period-inspired thrillers, seen in the favor by audiences of films like L.A. Confidential (1997) and Carol (2015). These films use elements of modern filmmaking with nostalgic elements, similarly to my opening. By utilizing a modern approach to suspenseful storytelling while applying genuine visual elements of the 50s, the film can engage both older audiences who appreciate classic films and younger viewers who enjoy vintage-inspired media.

Defining the target audience of my film opening has aided in the planning and production process of my film opening. With the appeal to thriller enthusiasts, young adults, and fans of vintage filmmaking, the film will balance suspenseful storytelling with 50s elements, ensuring it resonates with its intended viewers. I will continue to alter the suspense and visuals to create a captivating film that resonates with the genuine feel of the 50s aesthetic. 

Olsson, D. (2019, November 18). Top 30 Best Neo-Noir Films, ranked for filmmakers – StudioBinder.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Media Theory

 Media Theory 

★ Hermeneutic/Enigma Code ★

-When a narrative withholds information to develop mystery or leave a plot point unexplained- 

The Hermeneutic Code is a media theory that integrates a missing element within a film in order to create a suspenseful tone. Normally, this takes form as subtle clues that lead audiences to question the realities present within a film. This technique is used within the thriller genre very commonly, advocating for audience engagement. In my film opening, I plan to utilize this technique to effectively maintain elements of suspense. 

Integration to the Film Opening
The implementation of the Hermeneutic Code within my thriller film opening cooperates seamlessly. The introduction to the setting within my film opening- a presumably innocent 1950s style diner- will be juxtaposed to the suspenseful music elements incorporated, initially establishing some questioning within audiences. As the woman is seated, she opens a love letter while a man simultaneously is voicing over reading the letter- emphasizing his absence. Instead of offering clear information about the man, his identity is left completely hidden, as only his initials are provided as he signs off the letter. Vague information within the letter also drives this enclosed identity, imbedding curiosity and suspicion within audiences which effectively implements the Hermeneutic Code into the film opening. 

As the information within the film opening is gradually exposed, the Hermeneutic Code is more prominently used. The implementation of significant clues that slowly work together to hint at the true identity of the man, but not directly- such as the closing shot of the newspaper revealing that there is a dangerous conman, emphasizing the non-explicit display of plot-moving information. As the woman is still unknowing of this, the use of dramatic irony is utilized, furthering the efficiency of the Hermeneutic Code within this opening. The eagerness, unanswered questioning, and suspense that the Hermeneutic Code creates is what really motivates this opening. The alignment within the thriller genre, conventional of a slow suspense that retains the engagement of an audience is extremely useful as well in the implementation of this media theory within the creation of this film opening.  

Introduction to Roland Barthes, Module on the Five Codes. (n.d.).,revelation%20of%20all%20diegetic%20truths.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Outline of Project Idea

 Project Idea

For my Media Studies Portfolio Project, I am creating my two- minute film opening based in the 1950s/1960s that is centered around an innocent young woman, aged around 17, in order to give her independence while simultaneously emphasizing her naïve nature, that is unknowingly involved with a conman. The tense elements will be created through the audience's awareness of the conman's goals, while the woman remains unaware. There will not be an actor for the conman in order for his character to remain anonymous and mysterious- highlighting his resistance to be publicly seen. The presence of his character will be demonstrated through a love letter that he writes to the young woman. The suspense will peak in the ending of the opening where the camera strays to a newspaper headline in which the conman is revealed to be a wanted man, leaving the woman still in obliviousness. 

My Biggest Challenge
The biggest challenge that I have experienced within the development of my Portfolio Project film opening idea is the lack of an actor to play the conman. Though this was a complication in the development process, it ended up being a blessing in disguise! Without an actual presence of his character within the opening, an opportunity for a more mysterious tone within the film became apparent. The lack of his actor will aid in the overall genre of my opening being a psychological thriller as the character's identity is completely hidden. This also brought open an opportunity for the utilization of a letter which will aid in the development of the woman's innocence and unknowingness of his fraudulence. I intend to use subtle hints at the conman's deception within the letter- such as in the phrasing and tone, further emphasizing the lack of the woman's knowledge of this, victimizing her. 

Authenticity in the Atmosphere
Due to my film opening being set in the 1950s/1960s, I want to ensure that close attention to detail is present throughout. Though I am not completely sure about the setting of the film, I have two options. The first option, my most preferred option, is inside of a 1950s- styled diner. These types of diners are pretty heavily available anywhere, but I would have to obtain permission from the owners in order to film inside, which could possibly bring a challenge to this filming location. Filming in a diner, though, would be 100% on theme and would bring an extra level of detail and precision to the film opening, creating a true 50s fashioned atmosphere. The second option is in a local park. There are many parks in the city in which I live that would create a well thought out 50s vibe- almost Pleasantville-esque. I would have to pay attention to ensure that I choose a time/area where no cars or people are passing by so that the 1950s/1960s elements will be maintained. 

Here is a mood board as to what I want to achieve within the environment of my film opening: 

Establishing Character 
The main character within my film, the young innocent woman, is yet to be named. Some names I am considering, based off of research of 1950s/1960s women's names are: Marianne, Darlene, Charlotte, Pamela, and Beverly. These names reflect elegance and femininity that is treasured within this time era for women. To continue the theme of the 1950s/1960s time era I intend to incorporate these elements within the costuming of the main character. The styles during this time are very distinct- from the clothes to the hair to the makeup. Women's fashion commonly included skirts- mid length with petticoats underneath to accentuate the body of the skirt. The hair during this era often included pin curls, whether the hair is down or up and bows or headbands, which also contributes to their innocent and feminine 'look'. Women's makeup was mainly focused around the eyes, a 'doe eyed' look was very common. I aim to reflect these in my project accurately to create an effective film opening.

Top names of the 1950s. (n.d.). 

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Color Schemes

 Color Schemes ⭒

There will consist of 2 major color palettes in my film. The first will be applied for the woman in the film, she will fill the protagonist part, therefore she will have to be surrounded by light colors. The second palette will be represented by the man in the film, who poses as her boyfriend. His hostility will be highlighted, therefore darker colors will be applied. The two color palettes, being on opposite sides of the spectrum, having a complete contrasted nature, will form the juxtaposition that I am using within my film opening. 

1- For the protagonist
For the protagonist, I want to employ a soft, innocent and light color palette such as pastels and toned down colors. This will aid in the character development as innocent and delicate. The colors I am considering include: pastel pink, butter yellow, powder blue, and cream white. Kelly Grace and Doris Day were fashionable actresses who demonstrated their light femininity through the use of these colors within their wardrobe. 

2- For the antagonist 
For the antagonist, in order to reflect the hostile threat he imposes among the protagonist, I aim to create a darker color palette for him. The character development for him must be shown clearly through costuming his aggressive nature. Though he will not be present within the film, it is still crucial to have a color palette development for him as he will still be present in photos. The colors I am considering include: deep navy, charcoal black, dark gray, and tobacco brown. 

Saturday, February 8, 2025


♡ Schedule ♡

This schedule is purposed to maintain order in the completion of my Portfolio Project. To stay on time in the submission date of the project, a creation of a schedule will be a major aid. Time management will inevitably lead to improved organization, productivity, and better habits. I intend to follow this schedule fully, but if anything comes up, it is subject to edits, so my buffer week at the end is very important!

Today marks the ending of the second week (2/8) of eight for the Portfolio Project due date, I will outline my plan by week:

Week One (1/29-2/2)

- Choose genre for film opening 
- Research on specific genre chosen
- Have an idea of plot/storyline

Week Two (2/3-2/9)
- Research week 
      -genre conventions
      -analyze examples of:
-credit sequences
-film openings 

Week Three (2/10-2/16)
- Finalize plan:  color, costuming, screenplay, location scouting, props
- Storyboard
- Write script 

Week Four (2/17-2/23)
Week before filming starts:
- Develop character
- Find props
- Finalize costuming
- Finalize set
- Finalize locations
- Audio elements

Week Five (2/24-3/2)
- Film!
- Begin editing
  -record foley/ V.O.

Week Six (3/3-3/9)
- Editing!
   -record foley / V.O.
- Research CCR- components!

Week Seven (3/10-3/16)
- Finish research on CCR
- Create CCR
- Edit and finalize CCR

Week Eight (3/17-3/25)
- Finalize everything!
- Buffer week

Friday, February 7, 2025

Credit Sequences

 Credit Sequences

    The credit sequence of Psycho (1960) utilizes animated 'lines' that guide the titles into place. Before any of the credits are displayed, the use of a sudden burst of suspenseful music is used to emphasize a chilling tone. The titles are very minimalistic, but create an effect that seamlessly matches with the tone of the film. As the lines begin to be displayed, before the director, Alfred Hitchcock's name is displayed, the music seems to sync with the lines as they make their first entrance, reflecting the attention to detail of this credit sequence. The names seem to be built piece by piece to form the entirety of the words, maintaining the mystery of the film, in the way that each piece comes together slowly. The lines that repeatedly enter in and out of the screen are directed in a way that they have an established place to go, humanizing the lines. As the title, Psycho, is displayed, it is formed fully, then it is distorted, emphasizing elements of mystery that persist in the film as well as sudden change in plot. . The credit sequences of Psycho achieve the introduction of the tone that persists in the film.

    In the credit sequence of Signs (2002) the entrance and exit of a light is used to imitate heightening tension. As the titles enter and exit, a simultaneous 'blinking' effect of the circular silhouette of a light occurs. The music elements taking form as mysterious, sync to the brightening and fading of the light as well, heightening the tense tone . The circular shape of the light puts reflection on the extraterrestrial sense-- as an element in the film is 'crop circles'- a sign of outside life. Emphasis is placed when the title, Signs enters the screen. The music elements tone upward while the light shines brighter, as the circular shape of the light is broken, symbolizing not only title emphasis, differentiating from the rest of the credits, but also following the tension of the tone. After the title is displayed, the music is intensified, having a quicker pacing, increasing the tension. In the credit sequence for Signs, suspense resonates with the audience, even before the film has begun, highlighting the attention to detail in the process of development for Signs.

    The credit sequence of Halloween (1978) effectively resonates with the film's theme surrounding the Halloween holiday. The jack-o-lantern serves as a symbol of the Halloween holiday, but also correlating to the 'masked' killer within the film, Michael Myers. With the flickering light inside the jack-o-lantern, an unsettling and natural tone is set. The color scheme used, surrounding orange and black reinforces that eeriness that is being developed. The sense of classic thriller is created with the use of the plain, unembellished font, putting emphasis on the nostalgic nature of the film. For the music elements within the sequence, the simple, repetitive, high pitched notes outline the same nature of a racing heartbeat, contributing to the thrilling tone of the film. Contrasted to many classic thrillers, Halloween's approach to thriller conventions utilizes the slow, anticipating unease rather than a shock and jumpscare. The camera movement in Halloween's credit sequence plays a role in the development as it mimics creeping in the slow approach toward the jack-o-lantern, mirroring Michael Myers' approach to his victims.

Psycho. (n.d.).

Signs. (n.d.).

Halloween. (n.d.).

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Thriller Film Openings

☆ Thrillers ☆

The Shining
    The opening of The Shining (1980) develops the setting as in pure isolation, setting an uneasy and eerie tone for the rest of the film. The first thing that is seen is a small island, serving as a symbolic image of the isolation of the setting, which is a pattern throughout the film. The remote location that the family is driving to is put to scale with the mountainous scenery, displaying the suffocating isolation by the nature encapsulating the vehicle. Though there are other vehicles on the road, creating less of an isolated effect, most of the vehicles approach from the opposite direction reflecting the distance from civilization the hotel stands. As the Overlook Hotel is displayed, blending into the mountains, almost making itself a part of the mountain. This reflects the ghostly nature of the hotel, reflecting events prior. The music elements contribute to the non- visual elements of unsettlement and mystery. The audience is given insight as to what will occur in the rest of the film, fulfilling a convention of the thriller genre. The music that is present in this film opening is "Dies Irae", which translates to "The Day of Wrath", emphasizing the unsettling elements within the film opening. Though audiences are not aware of this, it serves as a reflection of the careful consideration of small elements that are present in the film. 

Shutter Island
    In the opening of the Shutter Island (2010), character development is portrayed of Teddy Daniels (Leonardo DiCaprio). The opening starts with what seems to resemble a blank screen until a boat appears in the midst. This creates a tone of mystery and unease, alluding to the rest of the film. The fog at the beginning of the film also serves as a symbol of Teddy being lost, as his character shows traits of instability. As Teddy's character begins to get sea sick, he glances into his reflection in the mirror, emphasizing his unstable mental state, searching for meaning. The setting in which this occurs is very tight and enclosed, acting as a reflection into patterns that exist within the film. He is then shown looking out the window, symbolizing his feeling of being trapped, with the use of a small, circular window working with the ocean having a entrapping nature. Teddy then splashes water on his face in attempt to symbolically become rid of something, furthering the character development. Handcuffs are displayed, somewhat resembling shackles to have a foreshadowing effect-- emphasizing a convention of thriller films. Shutter Islands approach at character development feels extremely naturalistic, using slow, but effective strategies that do not feel forced in any way. This contributes to the effectiveness of this film opening.

    The opening of Interstellar, (2014) uses a development of setting to portray the dystopian representation of Earth. The opening begins with a display of the title along with a bookcase covered in dust which serves as a symbol of its importance within the film. The narrators give the opening interview-like attributes as they speak about a dust storm, establishing tones of nostalgia and loss as all of the narrators are old of age. Anecdotes of what their everyday life was like such as dusting off their plates before a meal or sweeping their patio decks is given which contributes to these dystopian attributes, pushing the inabilities of life on Earth. Wide shots of the landscape is shown as the narrators describe the distraught nature of their everyday lives which contributes to the push of the struggle of living on Earth. Simultaneously, insight is given to the dream of Cooper (Matthew McConaughey), the protagonist. His dream serves as an outline of the tone that persists in the film, as it is tense, demonstrating his space mission. The dream works as a source of foreshadowing as this scene occurs later in the film, portraying what the remainder of the film will surround. The opening scene also acts as an introduction to the conflict that causes humans to find somewhere to live outside of the Earth. Emphasis is put on the suspense following this opening.

Sandro. (2013b, July 13). The Shining • first scene 1080p [Video]. YouTube.


Legendary Movie Scenes. (2020b, May 5). Opening - First scene - Shutter Island (2010) - movie clip HD scene [Video]. YouTube.

Rohit Malla. (2020, May 6). Interstellar: Opening scene | Cooper’s Nightmares [Video]. YouTube.

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