★ Prop Creation ★
Here is the final product of the actual letter, which will be printed and folded in order to give it a naturalistic sense:
The role that audio takes within my film opening is one of the most importance, establishing the tone and aiding in the guidance of the audience. In my opening, audio takes place as not only the music elements, but also the voice over. The voice over helps to develop the conman's presence even when he is not physically present on screen at any point.
The selection of music is an important choice as it is required to serve as a way of conveying the thriller openings tone. In order for the opening to remain in the 1950s atmosphere, the choice of music must correlate effectively, not becoming too modernized. The music will slowly intensify within the opening, starting off more delicately and raising in tempo towards the end, symbolizing the aspects of the relationship within this opening. The deception that the conman has will be highlighted through the elements of music as the music is suspenseful and ominous. An emphasis on juxtaposition is also used within the element of music in the way that Darlene carries such innocence while the atmosphere is suspenseful and dark- contributing to the 'out of placeness' that Darlene experiences.
In order to narrow down my selection of music choice, I started by browsing through multiple sites that offered non-copyrighted music. Once I landed on the site I ultimately chose to use, Pixabay, because of its selection being greater than the rest, it gave an option to create a playlist, so I created one. As I scrolled through and listened to different options, I added the ones that were contenders. This was a really great feature and it definitely aided in my selection process. Here is my playlist:
This is the title for the music I selected to play across the entirety of the film. I ensured that my choice was a longer form of music so that it could play over the full two minute length of my film, if needed. Ensuring that the choice is copyright free, I was able to access it through a website called Pixabay which offers these non copyrighted sounds.
Voice Over
The voice over for the letter is one of the most important parts to my opening. It will be performed by my brother who will read the love letter of the conman. At first thought, I intended for Darlene to read the letter, but ultimately realized that the actual conman reading it would aid in the development of his character due to the offscreen setting of himself as well as carry out more deceptive elements through the way in which he speaks. Authenticity will be added to the conman's character through the voice over, emphasizing the deceiving nature of himself, through his smooth, affectionate tone of voice. The voice over will be layered on top of visuals that will demonstrate Darlene's unknowingness of his true identity, highlighting the naive nature of herself.
✦ Creative Critical Reflection Question 2 ✦ Question 2 -How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a re...