Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Sound Project


Sound Project

During the sound lesson, students learned about sound techniques and how they are applied to film. Examples were shown in films to further demonstrate the effect that they had. The Foley videos explained the process of professional Foley. It showed the various random items that are used to create the sound in a film. 

The sound project directions were to create a 1-2 minute scene demonstrated through the use of only sounds. We then completed a very detailed outline for the project that composed of an explanation of all of the sounds that would contribute to represent the scene. The project should be composed of only sounds, therefore there was a limit of seven words for dialogue. After, we were to use databases for sound effects as well as everyday objects to create the project. Four of the sounds had to be created in using random objects on a “foley stage”. 

My parter and I, while brainstorming came up with the idea to create a grocery store scene where the character runs into a display and knocks over all of the cereal boxes. The outline helped us organize our sounds by providing every sound that would be present within the project. Later, when it came to t choosing the sounds on the databases as well as creating the sounds using Foley, it was much more cohesive as we simply followed the outline. Premiere Pro was the editing resource we utilized because it provided more sound layers than most other editing sources. 

My partner and I had a good approach in the organization of sounds and I feel that it is very obvious to what the scene is supposed to represent. We also were able to choose sounds off of the databases that contributed to the quality of the project. The only thing that I would improve if I were to complete the project again is the creativeness in the Foley creation. It was quite difficult to come up with the exact items to use and be extensively creative in the choosing. My partner and I ended up using items such as cups and boxes to demonstrate our sounds, but I think we could have been more creative in that. 


Soundscape Project

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