One Word Film
In the One Word Film project, students were directed to create a film portraying an assigned word using only visual techniques, no dialogue was allowed. This film was not to exceed 1 1/2 minutes and should be able to physically happen in 1 1/2 minutes. My partner and I were assigned the word "regret". The first step was to brainstorm ideas and complete the brainstorming sheet. This would help to consider ideas of the film as well as shots, angles, and techniques we would later use in filming. The next step was to create a storyboard which helped to visually see how the project would look and to make any final changes to the project. After the planning portion of the project we filmed the necessary video at school and put all of the clips together through editing, considering various editing techniques in order to correctly display the intended message.
For the One Word Film, my partner and I were assigned the word "regret" in which while brainstorming we decided on a story of two friends who parted, regretting their actions. The note that one girl put on the other girl's desk after the fact was apologetic asking to talk. When my partner and I were brainstorming, we thought of different possibilities we could use and finally deciding on the story we made. The storyboard helped us consider which shots worked the best and fit with the way we wanted to create our film. To edit, I used iMovie because I have used this resource previously. I felt comfortable using this resource again for my One Word Film project. I believe that my partner and I were able to get our message across correctly through the use of our shots, angles, and techniques. If I were to attempt this project again, I think that I would use Premiere Pro to edit the project because I feel that it would allow me to take my editing a step further. Overall, I feel confident in the One Word Film project.