Camera Shots/Angles Quiz
Our first project in AICE Media Studies was the shots/angles quiz in which we had to create a visual story. We were directed to develop a story using a series of photos in different shots and angles. We were to use one to two inanimate objects as the characters. There were ten mandatory shots and five that we were able to choose. The object of this quiz was to determine if we are able to correctly identify different angles and shots as well as using the shots and angles in the correct way to develop a story. It was important to consider the effect of the order of these shots to progress the story.
For this project, my partner and I decided to portray the relationship between two inanimate objects, the markers. The two markers, after meeting, slowly build a relationship. They fall in love, but after green marker is caught acting mischievous and dropping trash onto the floor, the two result to fighting. We decided to draw on pink marker's face of shock and anger in order to emphasize the emotion in the scene. As green marker tries to avoid the conflict by walking up the stairs away from the fight, pink marker follows him. Pink marker pushes him down the stairs due to her accumulated anger.
I believe that my partner and I did a good job in the usage of shots to correlate to the storyline. We also demonstrated the emotion of the story well throughout the events that took place. I think that what we could improve is using a better variety of shots to make the story smoother in transitioning. Some of the shots were not as clear in image quality as some others due to the zoomed in effect. We could have possibly fixed it by adjusting the lighting or focus on the subject.